OSCAR Insurance Update

  • Category: NOI News
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: NOI

Dear Patients,

Please note that Newport Orthopedic Institute is no longer contracted with OSCAR insurance. It is with deep regret that we notify you of the change in status.

Due to the change in status, we will no longer be able to see you at a contracted rate. Your plan does not allow for out-of-network benefits and will not cover visits to our office. Should you still need to seek Orthopedic Care, we are happy to offer you a cash discounted rate for our services.

If you want to select an insurance that is in-network with Newport Orthopedic Institute, we encourage you to visit our Insurance Accepted web page to get a list of our up to date accepted insurances.

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to us at (949) 722-7038.


Newport Orthopedic Institute