Sports Medicine & Sports Injuries
Serving Patients Throughout Orange County
Sports Medicine is the medical specialty focused on prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries due to athletic activity. The practice of sports medicine involves an integrated team approach including orthopedic surgeons, non-surgical sports medicine doctors, physical medicine and rehabilitation physiatrists, athletic trainers, and physical therapists. The team of orthopedic doctors at Newport Orthopedic Institute can be your trusted resource in Orange County to treat sports related injuries.
Why Choose Newport Orthopedic Institute's Sports Medicine Doctors?
Getting You Back to Your Sport
Our sports medicine doctors specialize in restoring function and movement to patients and can also help with prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries due to athletic activity. You don’t have to be a high-level athlete to benefit from seeing a Sports Medicine physician; we treat a range of patients from weekend warriors to professional athletes.
Trust the same doctors that professional sports teams, like the Los Angeles Chargers, use as team physicians. Newport Orthopedic Institute's doctors provide expert orthopedic care to college and club sports teams throughout Orange County and Los Angeles. See the sports teams affiliated with Newport Orthopedic Institute doctors.
If you are experiencing a sports injury or over-use injury, please contact the Sports Medicine Doctors at Newport Orthopedic Institute for a consultation today.
Common Sports Injuries
Relieving Pain, Restoring Motion
Our team of board-certified orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine doctors, physical medicine and rehabilitation physiatrists specialize in treating a wide range of sports injuries including:
- ACL Tear
- Ankle Sprains
- Bankart Lesion
- Bicep Tendon Rupture
- Broken Collarbone
- Cartilage Injuries
- Dislocated Shoulders
- Fractures
- Frozen Shoulder
- Golfer's Elbow
- Groin Pull
- Hamstring Strain
- Heel Bone Fractures
- Labral Tear of the Hip or Shoulder
- LCL Injury
- Little League Elbow or Shoulder
- MCL Injury
- Meniscal Tear
- Patellar Tendonitis
- PCL Injury
- Rotator Cuff Tear
- Runner's Knee / Chondromalacia Patella
- Separated Shoulder
- Shin Splints
- Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
- Shoulder Instability
- Shoulder Joint Tear
- Sports Concussion
- Sprains and Strains
- SLAP Lesion Tear
- Synovitis
- Tennis Elbow
- UCL Tear
- Whiplash
Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Sports Injuries
Get the Care You Deserve
Our sports medicine doctors at Newport Orthopedic Institute understand the effect a sports injury or over-use injury can have on daily activities and your ability to participate in the sports you love. Our sports medicine doctors will review all conservative, non-surgical treatment options to relieve your pain and get you back in the game.
- Acupuncture
- Anti-inflammatory Medication
- Concussion Treatment & Baseline Testing
- Corticosteroids / Cortisone Shots
- Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
- Fluoroscopic-Guided Steroid Injection
- Hyaluronic Acid Injection (Viscosupplementation) ¹
- Joint Injections
- Nerve Conduction Study
- Olecranon Bursa Aspiration
- Pain Medication
- Physical Therapy
- PRP Injections ²
- Trigger Point Injections
- Ultrasound Guided Injections
- X-Ray & MRI
¹ Check with your insurance provider prior to treatment as some insurance
companies have deemed viscosupplementation as not being a "medically
necessary" procedure.
² PRP Injections are not yet approved by the FDA and therefore is
considered an experimental medical procedure and is not covered by insurance.
Surgical Treatment Options for Sports Injuries
Different by Design
Once our sports medicine doctors have exhausted all conservative, non-surgical treatment options, our orthopedic surgeons offer customized treatment plans including minimally invasive surgery and advanced surgical treatments. Schedule an appointment with one of our orthopedic surgeons to explore which treatment option is most appropriate for your specific injury or condition, including:
- ACL Reconstruction Surgery
- Achilles Tendon Repair
- Arthroscopy of the Hip, Knee, Shoulder
- Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair
- Arthroplasty
- Autograft (UCL Tear Repair)
- Bicep Tendon Rupture Surgery
- Cartilage Restoration
- Cartilage Repair
- Joint Debridement
- Knee Ligament Reconstruction
- Labral Repair
- Labrum Surgery
- LCL Reconstruction
- Meniscal Tear Surgery
- Partial Menisectomy
- PCL Reconstruction
- Rotator Cuff Repair
- Shoulder Labral Repair
- SLAP Lesion Tear Surgery
- Tendon Repair
- Tommy John Procedure
How do I know if I should consult a Sports Medicine Doctor?
It’s extremely important to seek immediate care from either an Emergency Room or Urgent Care when you experience any of the following symptoms from a sports-related injury:
- Extreme pain, swelling and bruising
- Discolored skin surrounding the affected area
- Angulation or the area may be bent or crooked at an obscure angle
- You are experiencing severe pain and cannot apply weight to the injured body part
- Inability to move the affected bone, joint or body part
- You see redness or red streaks spreading out from the injury
If you have an open fracture, open wound, bleeding or the bone is exposed, please call 911 immediately or visit the nearest emergency room.
If you are experiencing any of the below symptoms it may be time to schedule a consultation with one of our Sports Medicine Doctors. Our physicians will be able to diagnose your condition and develop a customized treatment plan to help alleviate the pain and get you back to doing your daily activities and sports.
- You cannot walk without feeling significant pain
- Your limb buckles or gives way when you try to use the joint
- You have numbness in any part of the injured area
- Aching in the joint, followed by periods of relative relief
- The area surrounding the injured joint is very tender to touch
- Joint stiffness after periods of inactivity or rest
- Pain after extensive use
- Loss of motion
- You are in doubt about the seriousness of the injury or how to care for it
Certified Athletic Trainers
Newport Orthopedic Institute has integrated Certified Athletic Trainers to offer our local communities physical fitness management and education around the treatment and prevention of sports injuries and exercise. We offer the services of our Field Athletic Trainers to provide direct sports medicine care to sports teams, organizations, and youth programs at high schools, colleges and for professional athletes. Newport Orthopedic Institute's Athletic Trainers provide athletic training services throughout Orange County, Long Beach and Los Angeles to interscholastic high schools, colleges, as well as for special sporting leagues, tournaments and special events.
Our certified athletic trainers are on-site and able to treat sports injuries immediately and refer to our orthopedic surgeons as needed. Patients who are referred to our orthopedic surgeons directly by our athletic trainers will be seen within 24 hours.
Orthopedic SurgeryView Profile
Orthopedic SurgeryView Profile
Orthopedic SurgeryView Profile
Sports Medicine (Non-Operative)View Profile
Sports Medicine (Non-Operative)View Profile
Orthopedic SurgeryView Profile
Physical Medicine & RehabilitationView Profile
Orthopedic SurgeryView Profile
Orthopedic SurgeryView Profile