Shelley Murphy
- Author: Shelley Murphy
- Date Submitted: Aug 16, 2016

To say Dr. Gerken likely saved my son’s life is not an exaggeration.
My 19 year-old son saw Dr. Gerken for a routine sports related injury to his foot several weeks ago. At the first visit he ordered X-rays, and as he studied the X-Rays in the examining room I couldn’t help but notice how much time he took to review them. After assessing them he said he needed to see more than the X-ray could show and ordered a CT Scan for that day. The CT Scan revealed the fracture of a bone not visible in the X-ray. I was remarkably impressed with the amount of time and genuine concern Dr. Gerken devoted to my son’s injury and exam. It would have been much easier to simply put my son in a cast after reading the X-rays but Dr. Gerken went above and beyond any expectations.
Fast forward 6 weeks. Yesterday, my son went back for what we thought was a routine check-up. Dr. Gerken was concerned with the visible swelling of my son’s foot and calf. He ordered an Ultrasound that day to check for the possibility of blood clots "to be safe." The ultrasound revealed blood clots and my son was sent immediately to the Hoag Emergency Room for treatment.
My son and I were schedule to board a three hour flight two days after what we thought was a routine doctor’s visit. Had Dr. Gerken not been so painstakingly attentive and conscientious in his thorough diagnosis this story could have ended in a way I, as a mother, can’t begin to fathom.
In the past twenty years, I’ve been to more doctors that I care to count, Dr. Gerken is without doubt the most professional, knowledgeable and dedicated doctor I have ever had the privilege of meeting. I cannot express in word my thanks to Dr. Gerken. I will forever be grateful for his dedication to his patients. There are not enough superlatives to describe Dr. Gerken. Anyone in need of an orthopedic doctor/surgeon would be extremely fortunate to be seen by him. Thank you, Dr. Gerken.